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Burnham For Mayor

Friday 10 February 2012

Leigh & Wigan 'Drop the Bill Rally'

This Health Bill is an unfolding disaster for the Government. On the day the Prime Minister launched his fight back on the Bill, the House of Lords has sent him a message of defiance and defeated the Government on the very first vote.

As three more professional organisations join the ranks of NHS staff opposed to the Bill today, the Prime Minister and the Health Secretary are looking increasingly isolated.

The Government is damaging frontline patient care with its top-down reorganisation of the NHS. Labour has committed to protecting 6000 nursing job losses with the money that the Government could save by dropping the Bill. It is now in total disarray and the call for the Bill to be dropped is gaining momentum. By dropping it, the Government will give the NHS much-needed stability and allow it to focus on the financial challenge.

Join me at a public rally on Friday, 2nd March at Ince Town Hall, Wigan at 6.30pm and join the fight to 'Drop the Bill'.

Sign the online HM Government e-petition by Dr Kailash Chand OBE.