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Burnham For Mayor

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Coronary Care Unit Opened

The Royal Albert Edward Infirmary's new state of the art Coronary Care Unit was officially opened today on Valentine’s Day, by Dr. Nayyar Naqvi, the man who has made his vision a reality. The £1.4m unit has been helped along by the public of Wigan and beyond, with donations to the Heart Beat Appeal being collected over the last two years. The new build has significantly improved patient facilities, with the ward being larger, roomier and much lighter than the old unit.

Guests included local MPs Lisa Nandy and Yvonne Fovargue, the Mayor of Wigan Councillor Joy Birch, as well as members of the public who have all contributed to the Heart Beat Appeal.

The new Coronary Care Unit now provides much needed modernised facilities covering the Leigh, Wigan and Ashton in Makerfield areas with increased bed capacity and the addition of a second Catheter Laboratory and associated Treatment Rooms, as well as support facilities for both staff and patients. The financial investment into the refurbished and extended accommodation was completed in January 2011 at a cost of £1.4 million