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Burnham For Mayor

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Howe Bridge Badminton Club

On Sunday 11th December 2011, Howe Bridge Badminton Club held its inaugural badminton tournament.

The tournament was for young and developing players aged 16 and under. The tournament also had a social section which was well represented by various adult players from the local and wider badminton community.

The tournament was well supported and I met club coaches Chris Smith and Laura Egan and also played a game of badminton with Vicky Maltby (Badminton England) as her doubles partner.

I was also presented with a Howe Bridge Badminton Club T-shirt.

Howe Bridge Badminton Club is affiliated to Badminton England and is currently working towards Premier Club status, train every Saturday at Howe Bridge Leisure Centre, Atherton from 2pm to 4 pm. The training and playing sessions are for players aged 4 -16 and also for families.