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Burnham For Mayor

Thursday 17 May 2012

Information Commissioner report on risk register

This unequivocal report is severely embarrassing for Andrew Lansley and a Cabinet that promised to be open and transparent.

It finds Mr Lansley’s desperate efforts to keep the risks of his NHS re-organisation secret are not justified and it backs Labour’s consistent call that that patients, public and Parliament have a right to know.

But though the Government won’t publish, people are beginning to see the risks to the NHS becoming a reality on the ground, with patients left on trolleys in corridors and thousands of nursing posts being lost. People will conclude that the Health Secretary was warned about these dangers by his own civil servants, ploughed on regardless and is now frantically trying to cover it up.

The Government’s continued refusal to release the NHS risk register is simply indefensible. It is time for them to give in and admit defeat. They should publish the risk register today and let people have an informed debate about what is happening to the NHS.