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Burnham For Mayor

Wednesday 15 February 2012

e-petition passes 100,000 signatures

Tens of thousands of people have today sent a very clear message to the Prime Minister. They want him to listen and stop putting his political pride before the best interests of the NHS.

Mr Cameron wants to legislate to turn our NHS into a free market. He is being reminded in no uncertain terms that he does not have the public's permission to do this. Nobody voted for this re-organisation and Mr Cameron promised it would not happen.

Even though the petition has passed the 100,000 mark, I urge people to keep on signing. The greater the number of people who add their names, the more strength they will give us to speak out against it in the final Parliamentary battle.

The 'Drop the Bill' call is turning into a deafening cry supported by patients, professions and even Members of Mr Cameron's Cabinet. It is a fight we can and must win!

Download the 'Drop the Bill Rally' flyer for the Wigan Borough to be held on Friday, 2nd March at 6.30pm.

The e-petition can be signed here.