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Burnham For Mayor

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Green Jobs vote is setback for Clean Power

Last week, I  voted to support renewable energy and jobs across the North West by backing a move to clean up UK power and tackle climate change.

I supported an amendment to the Energy Bill, currently in Parliament, that would set the Government a legal target to remove carbon emissions from the UK’s power supply almost entirely by 2030.

Businesses argue the move would reassure companies looking to make long-term investments in the green economy that could bring new jobs to the North West. It would end Britain’s heavy reliance on gas and would also stop rising gas prices from driving up fuel bills.

The vote was lost by just 23 votes!

Lord Alan Sugar, from TV’s The Apprentice and a member of the House of Lords, warned that unless the Government commits to clean power the UK risks busting its climate change targets and losing business and jobs abroad. Dragons’ Den star Deborah Meaden, Campaign Ambassador for Friends of the Earth’s Clean British Energy campaign, said on Monday that it was a fantastic opportunity to revive British manufacturing and boost green growth.

A clean power target is expected to be a key issue when the Bill is debated in the House of Lords later this month.

The green economy supports almost a million jobs already and it is helping to stop dangerous climate change.
But green companies and their supply chains will only make long-term investments in Leigh and the North West if there’s a clear pathway for renewable energy in the future.

That’s why I voted for a target to cut the carbon from our electricity by 2030 – it would help stabilise the climate and provide much needed jobs, as well as keeping bills as low as possible in the long-term.

The Energy Bill is the key piece of policy that will make a difference to climate change in this parliament, and will determine the way we power the UK for the next generation.