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Burnham For Mayor

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Victory for Keep Leigh in Leigh

This morning the Boundary Commission for England has issued its revised proposals for constituency boundaries across the North West.

This is a famous victory for Leigh. It sends out a clear message that, going forward, we won't be pushed around but will fight hard to protect our town and our identity.

Leigh has lost too many things down the years but no-one was taking our Town Hall off us.

I would like to thank everyone who helped the Keep Leigh In Leigh campaign.  It was a formidable effort and it rightly received recognition from the Boundary Commission. I hope this goes some way to restoring people's faith that it is worth getting involved and that, at least sometimes, the powers-that-be do listen.

While I do not think these proposals should ever have been made, I am grateful to the Boundary Commission for listening and accepting the arguments we made.

From here, Leigh can face the future with confidence. Let's bring the same campaigning spirit to improving our town, including much-needed public transport.