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Burnham For Mayor

Tuesday 8 May 2012

NHS risk register cover-up of epic proportions

Andy Burnham MP, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, said:

"This disgraceful decision is a cover-up of epic proportions.

"David Cameron is desperate to keep the NHS risk register secret because he knows that, if people could see the scale of the risks he is taking with the NHS, they would not forgive him. All the warnings from doctors, nurses and patients about the dangers of his re-organisation were true and echoed in private by civil servants but the Prime Minister chose to ignore them.

"The real reason why the Cabinet decided to show flagrant disregard for the law of the land is that they know publication would confirm their growing reputation for arrogance and incompetence. Any claims to openness and transparency in Government now lie in tatters.

"The NHS deserves better than this. We have a Prime Minister who promised to protect the NHS but is now resorting to unprecedented measures to cover up the warnings he was given about his reckless re-organisation. This is a man who clearly hasn't listened to what people said at the polls and who will pay a heavy price for his betrayal of the NHS."