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Burnham For Mayor

Friday 18 May 2012

Children's Heart Federation

I have backed a new campaign by the UK’s leading children’s heart charity, The Children’s Heart Federation, which seeks to increase early diagnosis of heart conditions for children. 

The Think HEART campaign aims to empower and inform parents giving them the confidence to raise their concerns about their child with their doctor or a health professional. The Think HEART acronym has five easy to remember steps to identify a possible heart problem:

H – Heart Rate (Is their heart rate too fast or too slow. Normal rate is between 100 to 160 beats per minute)

E – Energy (Are they sleepy, quiet and too tired to feed)

A – Appearance (Is your baby a pale, waxy, dusky, blue or grey colour)

R – Respiration (Are they breathing too fast or too slow. Normal rate is between 40 to 60 breaths per minute)

T – Temperature (Are they cold to touch – particularly their hands and feet)

Heart problems go undiagnosed in far too many children and Think HEART will increase early diagnosis and help to save children’s lives. These conditions affect 5000 children a year, almost 1 per cent of all children and currently only around a third of them are picked up before birth.

This is a fantastic cause and in a time of limited resources such a campaign which relies on parent power to increase awareness and empower other parents is extremely valuable. Together we can make sure that children with congenital heart problems are diagnosed much sooner. This campaign will help save lives and reduce the impacts on children and their families in this area which is why I’m backing the campaign.