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Burnham For Mayor

Tuesday 25 January 2011

National Curriculum Review

Michael Gove is stuck in the past, foisting his 1950s vision of education onto today’s schools and students. It is a strange message indeed in this day and age to say it's OK to do Latin but not ICT.

Parents, teachers and businesses know that alongside solid academic study young people need technical and social skills to succeed in the work place and in life.

Labour had made changes to focus the curriculum, with English and Maths showing significant improvements. Take up of single sciences increased significantly in recent years as a result of Labour policies.

Michael Gove is trying to tell us today that he is consulting with parents and teachers on what should be taught in schools. But with the English Baccalaureate and the likely downgrading of ICT and Citizenship, schools know that he has already made up his mind. The British Social Attitudes Survey shows that the public believe that schools should be judged on how well they teach children skills for life. Michael Gove is ignoring the views of parents, teachers and young people as he pursues his own, backward-looking agenda.